Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Capitalists love money. Communists... Also love money.

Lately I have received a series of bulletins from the Young Communist League of Canada mailing list.

The latest issue of discussion on the YCL mailing list is the issue of charging monthly dues from their membership. There seems to be a very conscious push from the YCL leadership to try and squeeze funds out of their followers. Granted that the amount they're asking for is only a few dollars a month, but the league is still trying to make regular collection of membership dues a
mandatory condition for all members of the YCL.

One of the Comrades on this mailing list even suggested that membership who pay regular dues should be given special privileges above those of membership who refuse/forget to pay their membership dues. Being as the YCL is a political organization, I have to wonder at what those
"special privileges" could possibly be?

All of these propositions actually sound quite similar to an existing political ideology.

It's called Capitalism.

This is a very disturbing turn of events for the YCL. The executive of their group is advocating that the membership pay regular dues to the organization, and one of their members has advocated "Special privileges" for members who pay their dues. This whole thing is very
anti-Marxist in nature. The currency-centric tendencies of the YCL leadership, if left unchecked, will eventually render the young communist league an impotent, spineless organization. If the concept of "Special privileges" is adopted as an incentive, the logical outcome will be the development of a clearly defined caste system within the YCL, based
on monetary contributions. As soon as some members have privileges over others in a democratic organization, everything democratic about the organization is compromised.

In my experience, it is rare to have committed revolutionary members who are loyal to your organization and actively participate in it's decisions and actions. If you have people such as this in your organization, why would you charge them membership dues for their commitment to socialism.

The worst part about this whole incident, is that the YCL is not the only communist organization in Canada that is revolving more and more around money. Most of the major communist organizations in Canada are exhibiting the same symptoms as the YCL. The symptoms are of a political disease, commonly known as Social-Democracy. Unfortunately, this is a common disease in the global Marxist movement.

It is committed membership, not the collection of funds, that makes a revolutionary organization strong. If the measures pass within the YCL that allow them to begin charging membership to be revolutionary, they might as well start passing a collection plate around at meetings, for they have already abandoned their Marxist principals.


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