Monday, January 30, 2006

The Holy Church of Marx

It is ironic, but in some ways there are parallels between Marxism and the various Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), the irony being that Marxism is a scientific ideology, not a belief/faith.

The most obvious similarity between the two is the sectarian factioning that has occurred in Marxism, as well as the previously mentioned faiths.

To analyze this factioning from a religious point of view, it would seem that Karl Marx is practically acknowledged as a "God" by all followers of Communism, and V.I. Lenin is recognized as the "Messiah" by most of the branches of Communism. However, the true dividing force in both Marxism and religion is that every splinter faction has it's own "Prophet".

To analyze this factioning from a scientific point of view, the basic principal stays the same. One faith splinters into many separate religions because of the desire for power. Under the guise of
"reforming the faith" or "returning to the true, traditional path" certain individuals branch off from the parent faith and form their own religious sect so that they can be the new leader. The same exact principal divides Marxism.

It is this sectarian way of thinking that tears the communist movement apart, and eventually leads to the demise of the movement. Say what you will about Soviet political hegemony, but there was a time when the socialist camp was mostly one unified force. Events such as the power struggle between Trotsky and Stalin, the Yugoslavian communists breaking away from the Soviet Union, and the great Sino-Soviet split, caused massive rifts in the global communist movement, and split the various nations/groups into smaller and smaller, separate spheres of influence.

On the other hand, the capitalist camp remained surprisingly unified through out the duration of the cold war. Alliances were made between old capitalist enemies against the forces of socialism. It was this unity among the capitalist camp that eventually assured their global supremacy. It was the divided state of the socialist camp that allowed the capitalists to defeat socialism one faction at a time.

Sectarian attitudes among Marxists is a poison on our entire movement. I do not accept the predictable sectarian arguments about how the rest of the communist movement refuses to cooperate with your faction, self righteous assertions that your faction is the only true practitioner of Marxism or the petty excuses about futile efforts to cooperate with others in the Marxist movement. The fact of the entire matter remains: The capitalist world is indivisible, and as long as the socialist camp lays in shambles, the society of communist man will never be realized.

M@oi$t$ KKKant $pell

Getting back to the topic of the false revolution, it is not the only"revolutionary" movement that
performs empty rituals, rather than true progressive revolution.

I have noticed that certain members of the Maoist/Feminist/Ultra-Left movements have taken to purposely misspelling words on their websites, and in their literature.

What could possibly be the point of this?

It seems that the various groups following Mao Tse Tung thought, especially in North America, are some of the worst subscribers to this foolishness. In some cases they misspell words that contain the word "Man" in them, to make them more gender non-specific. For example, woman is changed to womyn, human is changed to humyn, and so on. In some cases, they purposely misspell the name of an individual or country that they dislike. The United States of America for example, is changed to the United $tate$ of Amerikkka, or the United $nakes of Ameriklan.

This practice is not only a pointless waste of time, it is a foolish one.

As far as making words more politically correct and gender non-specific by misspelling them, this is a sad example of what the feminist movement has degenerated into. There was a time when the feminist movement was truly revolutionary, fighting for emancipation from male dominated society. Many of the major battles in the struggle for feminism have been fought and won, hence the majority of the feminist movement has focused too much of their attention on pointless gestures, such as making words in the English language gender non-specific.
Pointless gestures hinder revolutionary causes, and consume revolutionary groups with abstract battles. True gender emancipation is not accomplished through fighting abstract battles.

As for misspelling the names of persons/places that you have disdain for, this is not only meaningless and foolish, it is juvenile. Misspelling a name in a satirical way is the sort of thing a five year old child throwing a temper tantrum would do. A communist group reveals it's own ideological bankruptcy through such stupidity as this.

I am not trying to critique Mao Tse Tung thought in general, or even the global maoist movement. Many factions of the maoist movement are waging true revolutionary struggles.
This is the sort of thing occurring right now in Nepal, The Philippines, Peru, Turkey and India,
where genuine revolutionary armed struggle is being waged. Somehow ,I have the feeling that
the followers of maoism in these countries are too busy fighting real battles, to spend time coming up with clever parodies of their enemies names.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Do you like my Revolution? It was on sale.

There are only two types of Revolution.

There is true social revolution, and false revolution.
While a true social revolution requires real class struggle and implementing real progressive change, a false revolution requires only hollow ceremonial gestures. Unfortunately, the false revolution is the more prevalent form of "revolution" in North America, and the western world.

The false revolution can be bought in a store. There are entire stores devoted to propagating the false revolution. There are entire lifestyles dedicated to propagating the false revolution. It is a very broad movement. Skater youth, followers of the gothic movement, followers of the punk rock movement, false "anarchists" who do not know the first thing about anarchism... These are all faces of the false revolution.

Why does this false revolution spread? What purpose does it serve? The uses of this false revolution are many. After years of violent suppression of Socialism, the bourgeoisie discovered that an alternative "revolution" is far more effective in suppressing true revolution. By having the youth of the day rebel against society by listening to controversial music and skateboarding, they are much less likely to take up any meaningful revolutionary causes. Also, the bourgeoisie have finally discovered a way to sell products to a demographic of people that typically avoid mainstream consumerism. These are the two main purposes of the false revolution.

In addition to providing a meaningless bourgeois outlet for rebellion to the youth, and providing an avenue to sell them products, the false revolution effectively destroys all seeds of
dissent and revolution within the youth. The false revolution accomplishes no meaningful change, hence it is hollow, and eventually fills its adherents with a feeling of emptiness. Due to this emptiness, the youth eventually out grow their revolution, and look back on the whole thing years later as a passing fad. This prepares the youth to be conformist adults, blindly doing as they are told by their bourgeois overlords.

How can any person think that they are defying the system, when everything they consider revolutionary is a product of the system? How can any person think that they are making a fashion statement, when their "rebellious" clothing comes from a store? To own a skateboard, to listen to punk music, to have a body piercing; all of these things are products of the system.
By subscribing to the false revolution, you are subscribing to capitalism itself.

Revolutionaries create progressive changes to the society that they live in. Followers of the false revolution are, at best, controversial. Controversial is not the same thing as revolutionary.

Do not misunderstand me. I am not saying that false revolutionary lifestyles should be completely shunned. I am only saying that in order to accomplish true social change, the path of
true social revolution must be embraced.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Welcome to the Raven Nest

This is my first post. I hope it won't be my last.

This is the Raven Nest. I am RavenBlade.

I am a Marxist. I have been since I was 14.
I find that Blogs are a good way to spread information, relatively un-censored.
That is my plan for the nest.

If you are one of the 40% of Canadians who voted for the Conservative party of Canada,
you will find nothing of value here.

If you are like me, living and breathing the revolution, welcome.

Let's get started...