Monday, November 13, 2006

Borat: Cultural slandering of Kazakhstan for benefit of glorious empire of United States


Blogger RedJulie said...

Yes, Borat is a pretty Vulgar character. H eis the "yakov Smirnoff" of the 21st century. Actually that's not true; Yakov was actually a soviet. Borat is played by a British comiedian named
Sacha Baron Cohen, Who I'm guessing has never visited Kazakhstan. Cohen has taken Borat out of the realm of comedy, and uses this character to promote his agenda, as he held a conference in front of the white house criticizing the government of Kazakhstan, and uses his characte rto propmote the opinion that Eurasian people are anti-semitic (Cohen is Jewish),male chauvenist, socially backwards and primitive. His portrayal of Borat is slander of a scale rivalling the DPRK. While I do not nescesarily doubt that Kazakhstan is rife with poverty, Cohen promotes the viewpoint that this is the fault of the USSR.
What a ethno-centric, chauvenist ass.

10:36 PM  

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