Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hands off Korea!

So, the UN resolution on the DPRK has passed, and it is arguably one of the most fascist peices of legislation to come out of the world in the year 2006.

I looked over the resolution myself, and a few parts caught my eye: Among other things, this bill is imposing economic sanctions on the DPRK, on weapons and military items, but also on vaguely identified materials. There are sanctions on so called "luxury goods", which is once again vague and open to interpretation, and persons who support the right of the DPRK to possess nuclear technology are now banned from travelling to the DPRK.I am especially furious at that last part, because it is so convenient for the imperialists; now, people can not even go to the DPRK to see things for themselves, and form their own opinions about it.

This whole thing is pure aggression against the DPRK. The slander against this nation has been tripled within the last few weeks, and aggression steeply escalated.

In order to counter this slander, I'm posting some links to articles from the North Korean perspective:

Please distribute these articles as widely as possible.

Glory to the Workers Party of Korea!
Soveriegnty to the DPRK!


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