Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Abandon ship!

President Hugo Chavez of the Bolivarian republic of Venezuela made a quite controversial speech at the United Nations a few days ago.

By now, this is old news. I applaud president Chavez on his remarks and the courage needed to say them. However, as a longtime Chavista, I braced for the fallout from the political right-wing.

Of course all of the venomous tongues of the political right-wing and bourgeoisie media immediately lashed out at Chavez for his statements. This was a predictable reaction, and I thought nothing of it.

What did surprise me, however, was the fallout from the political LEFT-wing.

I received several e-mails from other members of the political left through various lists, and I heard various individuals criticizing Hugo Chavez, and urging all of their comrades to join them in doing so. Most of the focus of anger came from Chavez's support for Iran, and therefore his silent compliance with patriarchy, the oppression of women, etc.

I have to say, this is one of the most sickening examples I have ever seen of the incredible self-destructive powers of the Social-Democratic/ Liberal left wing. The waverers, the reformists and self-styled "feminists" pounced upon President Chavez like lions on a crippled deer, rather than applauding him for standing tall in the face of American imperialism.

Now some may say, the oppression of women in Iran is a legitimate problem, and needs to be recognized. Perhaps this is so, but in this case it is irrelevant. Don't be fooled by this so called
"Feminist" concern, comrades. It's all just a smokescreen, just a distraction to get the wishy-washy reformists to turn their backs on Chavez.

Saudi Arabia also oppresses women. I don't see these so called "Feminists" criticizing Saudi Arabia. As long as I have been involved in the political left, as long as I have been associating with the feminist movement, I have actually never heard any of us attack any government in particular. I think the reason for this is that most true feminists realize that, in one sense of the word or another, women of ALL countries are subjugated. There is not one particular country that has a monopoly on patriarchy.

In this case though, these "feminists" choose to criticize Chavez, not because he is head of a country that oppresses women, but because he supports the right to self determination of a country that is said to oppress women. It is kind of flimsy, don't you think?
Chavez only stands by Iran's right to self-determination, an inherent right of ALL nations, and these self-styled "feminists" try to draw a dotted line between President Chavez and an alleged patriarchal society in Iran. This is a very imperialist tactic. It is reminiscent of the Invasion of Iraq ,for their alleged support of Al-quaeda.

As with anything, the question is always "Who benefits.". One has to wonder, who is benefiting from the chaos and disarray sown within the political left community by these social-democratic reformists and "feminists". President Chavez also talked about concepts such as the renewal of the United Nations, and condemned Israeli fascist aggression against Lebanon in his speech. Of course, that isn't mentioned. To be honest, from what I gathered from an english transcript of his speech,I can not see that he even mentioned Iran that much. And yet, this is the point that the "Feminists" latched upon.

Who benefits, comrades?

I am not concerned though. An event like this only polarizes the Left-wing movement, between the Liberal/Social Democratic waverers and the truly progressive, truly revolutionary elements.
Let these "Feminists", these wreckers and subversives, spread their slander and sow their seeds of discontent. Let them insinuate connections to vile activities, and rally the reformists to abandon all things revolutionary; In the end, this can only strengthen the revolutionary movement by purging it of all capitalist cronies and spineless waverers.

The wreckers are drawing a line in the sand, and let it be known that me and my comrades have chosen our side. If they want to find people who agree with them, they'll have nowhere to go but the bourgeois parties, which is probably the point of it all, anyway.

What doesn't kill a revolutionary movement, makes it stronger. I salute President Chavez for his remarks, and stand firmly, never wavering, on the side of revolution.


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