Off with his head!
These days it really is quite amazing when I look back at some of my early political developments. At first I wasn't very progressive at all. I repeated a lot of second hand opinions from my conservative step-father, opinions that were not my own, with a complete lack of political consciousness.
As I moved on, I started to become more Social-democratic in practice, a fan of the Reformist/liberal Michael Moore. I watched his Labour-aristocratic documentaries, I read his
Liberal-reformist analysis of global politics, and basically adopted his outlook of world politics.
It wasn't Marxism, but it was a shove in the general direction of the political left.
From there, thankfully, there were other developments that pushed me even farther to the left.
I became a Marxist, albeit an Intellectual one. My orthodox, ivory tower approach to Marxism, which shunned the deviational revisionism of Leninism, and the alleged atrocities of Anti-revisionism, eventually gave way to adoption of the Leninist interpretation of Marxism after further studying and organizing.
From this watered down, parliamentary democratic outlook on Leninism, I finally metamorphosized into my present incarnation, into an Anti-Revisionist Marxist-Leninist.
thankfully, I have continued to progress to a more revolutionary level each time.
From looking back at my own political development, I look at the political development of others who are close to me, and it is somewhat surreal, especially those who are now at a level I left behind a long time ago.
Most recently, as I stated in my previous post, I have become very aware of my own distaste with the general criticism of the American fascist leader George W Bush. This is strange for me, as at one time I was doing the exact same thing. Criticizing Bush doesn't seem incorrect, as it is undoubtedly well deserved, it just seems to have ulterior motives, which I have not noticed before.
The mass media, the talking-heads of bourgeoisie political analysis, and pop-culture in general are all promoting criticism of George Bush. Even his own republican party cronies are betraying him. This is very strange, as George W Bush is made out to be one of the principal leaders, or at least a frontman, of the capitalist class.
Why would the capitalist class, which owns all media, controls all political analysis, and has roots in all of the major political parties, not suppress the rampant criticism of the "president", let along encourage it?
As Chairman Mao Tse Tung wrote, "In the world today, all culture, all literature and art belong to definite classes and are geared to definite political lines." The mass media of the bourgeoisie promotes the interests of the bourgeoisie, so why would the bourgeoisie be blaming all of their problems on one of their own, a man that they blatantly stole an election in order to install as their president.
Who is benefiting from this culture of Bush Bashing? How is the Capitalist class benefiting from the popular criticism of their man in Washington?
As near as I can see, the actions of this "President" seem to be in line with the interests of the Capitalist class: realization of a long awaited plan for war in Iraq, unconditional support for the state of Israel and the Cuban exiles, harnessing the reactionary masses by appealing to their religious fundamentalism, promotion of corporate interests in every corner of the globe, amnesty for reactionary terrorists, vigilant action against socialism, etc. As near as I can see, George W Bush has upheld the agenda of the capitalist class very well.
So why are they disowning him now?
I think the most likely reason that the capitalist class is turning on the fascist war chief ,that they themselves put into power, is for the purposes of damage control. Things have not gone according to plan. American Imperialism in Iraq is spiraling out of control, the economy of the USA is in crisis, the puritanical laws passed by the Bush administration are being met with more resistance than was expected, the heroic forces of the Lebanese people are receiving more support against the fascist Israelis than they predicted, corporate criminals and war criminals are being faced with the overwhelming demands of the people to answer for their crimes, and on May Day millions of illegal immigrants, the back bone of the American way of life, took a stand against the fascist measures of the bourgeoisie.
Things have gone very wrong indeed. The people are angry with their leaders, but more importantly, they are angry with the system itself. At this time, the masses are very close to awakening, to the realization of social and political consciousness. This must be averted at all costs, hence the capitalist class has chosen a whipping boy. The mighty warchief has become the international scapegoat, and he is now actively shunned by those that benefited the most from his regime. Or at least, he is publicly shunned. Behind closed doors, who knows what dealings still take place.
The whipping boy has been presented to the masses, in desperate hopes that he will be blamed for all the problems and spectacular failures of the policies of the capitalist classes. So far this tactic seems to be working, as the guilt for all crimes Political, military, environmental and economic, has been thrust onto the shoulders of the hapless warchief, completely absolving the Republican party, the Democratic party, the multi-national corporations, the CIA, Special interest organizations and the entire state and imperialist class of America from the responsibility of their failed agenda.
Personally, I blame the puppeteers before I cast blame on the puppet.
As I moved on, I started to become more Social-democratic in practice, a fan of the Reformist/liberal Michael Moore. I watched his Labour-aristocratic documentaries, I read his
Liberal-reformist analysis of global politics, and basically adopted his outlook of world politics.
It wasn't Marxism, but it was a shove in the general direction of the political left.
From there, thankfully, there were other developments that pushed me even farther to the left.
I became a Marxist, albeit an Intellectual one. My orthodox, ivory tower approach to Marxism, which shunned the deviational revisionism of Leninism, and the alleged atrocities of Anti-revisionism, eventually gave way to adoption of the Leninist interpretation of Marxism after further studying and organizing.
From this watered down, parliamentary democratic outlook on Leninism, I finally metamorphosized into my present incarnation, into an Anti-Revisionist Marxist-Leninist.
thankfully, I have continued to progress to a more revolutionary level each time.
From looking back at my own political development, I look at the political development of others who are close to me, and it is somewhat surreal, especially those who are now at a level I left behind a long time ago.
Most recently, as I stated in my previous post, I have become very aware of my own distaste with the general criticism of the American fascist leader George W Bush. This is strange for me, as at one time I was doing the exact same thing. Criticizing Bush doesn't seem incorrect, as it is undoubtedly well deserved, it just seems to have ulterior motives, which I have not noticed before.
The mass media, the talking-heads of bourgeoisie political analysis, and pop-culture in general are all promoting criticism of George Bush. Even his own republican party cronies are betraying him. This is very strange, as George W Bush is made out to be one of the principal leaders, or at least a frontman, of the capitalist class.
Why would the capitalist class, which owns all media, controls all political analysis, and has roots in all of the major political parties, not suppress the rampant criticism of the "president", let along encourage it?
As Chairman Mao Tse Tung wrote, "In the world today, all culture, all literature and art belong to definite classes and are geared to definite political lines." The mass media of the bourgeoisie promotes the interests of the bourgeoisie, so why would the bourgeoisie be blaming all of their problems on one of their own, a man that they blatantly stole an election in order to install as their president.
Who is benefiting from this culture of Bush Bashing? How is the Capitalist class benefiting from the popular criticism of their man in Washington?
As near as I can see, the actions of this "President" seem to be in line with the interests of the Capitalist class: realization of a long awaited plan for war in Iraq, unconditional support for the state of Israel and the Cuban exiles, harnessing the reactionary masses by appealing to their religious fundamentalism, promotion of corporate interests in every corner of the globe, amnesty for reactionary terrorists, vigilant action against socialism, etc. As near as I can see, George W Bush has upheld the agenda of the capitalist class very well.
So why are they disowning him now?
I think the most likely reason that the capitalist class is turning on the fascist war chief ,that they themselves put into power, is for the purposes of damage control. Things have not gone according to plan. American Imperialism in Iraq is spiraling out of control, the economy of the USA is in crisis, the puritanical laws passed by the Bush administration are being met with more resistance than was expected, the heroic forces of the Lebanese people are receiving more support against the fascist Israelis than they predicted, corporate criminals and war criminals are being faced with the overwhelming demands of the people to answer for their crimes, and on May Day millions of illegal immigrants, the back bone of the American way of life, took a stand against the fascist measures of the bourgeoisie.
Things have gone very wrong indeed. The people are angry with their leaders, but more importantly, they are angry with the system itself. At this time, the masses are very close to awakening, to the realization of social and political consciousness. This must be averted at all costs, hence the capitalist class has chosen a whipping boy. The mighty warchief has become the international scapegoat, and he is now actively shunned by those that benefited the most from his regime. Or at least, he is publicly shunned. Behind closed doors, who knows what dealings still take place.
The whipping boy has been presented to the masses, in desperate hopes that he will be blamed for all the problems and spectacular failures of the policies of the capitalist classes. So far this tactic seems to be working, as the guilt for all crimes Political, military, environmental and economic, has been thrust onto the shoulders of the hapless warchief, completely absolving the Republican party, the Democratic party, the multi-national corporations, the CIA, Special interest organizations and the entire state and imperialist class of America from the responsibility of their failed agenda.
Personally, I blame the puppeteers before I cast blame on the puppet.
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