Monday, October 02, 2006

Right to bear arms

So Venezuela is under political pressure(again.).

The Imperialists have raised alarms about Venezuela purchasing $3 Billion dollars in arms from
Russia. They say that this is obvious proof of Venezuela's planned aggression against the US, neighbouring nations, etc.

Of course, this $3 billion dollar arms purchase is pocket change compared to what the US spends on arms and warfare in one year alone.

Anyways, Venezuela has insisted that these weapons are only for self defense, and President Chavez has many times spoken of American imperialism's intentions to invade Venezuela, which the American imperialists immediately dismiss as rubbish.

The American powers that be are prone to convenient spells of amnesia, you see. Apparently
Donald Rumsfeld, the warmonger raising most of these allegations against Venezuela, has completely forgotten about the coup that the United States sponsored/supported against Hugo Chavez. Apparently the American aggression against Venezuela and the Bolivarian revolution in the past are not relevant to whether or not America would do the same in the future.

Now, in addition to the Coup attempt, the American bourgeoisie incited their media puppets and talking heads against Chavez, and the Bolivarian republic. I seem to recall last year, shortly after returning from Venezuela, when the pseudo-fascist religious zealot, Pat Robertson, was openly calling for the assassination of Chavez.

Now, some may interpret this as an unrelated event, outside of the control of the American government, but this just isn't so. Media is heavily monopolized in Capitalist countries, especially the US and Canada. It is through lunatic mouth pieces like Robertson, that the bourgeoisie of the United States spreads notions and ideas beneficial to their agenda, in addition to testing the waters of public opinion. Is it any coincidence that Newspapers in Canada not only reported Robertson's comments, but put them on the front page? And of course, when the public reacted against this instigation, it was Pat Robertson, not the American bourgeoisie, who took the criticism.

This was not some off-the-record statement made by an insane religious zealot. This was a direct provocation against the government of Venezuela, given the blessing of the Anti-Venezuelan forces who own the media outlets. This was a deliberate attempt to try and gather public support for aggression against Venezuela.

If I heard someone on the street saying they wanted to kill me, I would probably stay inside for a little while. If I heard someone in another country talking about killing me, by way of the international media, you better believe I would buy a gun.

Is Chavez so different? Is Venezuela so different?
It is the same as the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Iran, and all other countries that are building up to defend themselves from the un-relenting threats of American imperialism.
The anti-imperialist countries of the 21st century have learned well from the down-falls of past anti-imperialist states that tried to defend themselves against American imperialism.
Albania comes to mind. Was Comrade Hoxha so wrong when he said that the Imperialists
wanted to conquer Albania? I think the un-democratic coup of Sali Berisha pretty much proved his "paranoia" to be correct.

Any country that ever makes the mistake of believing the United States has honourable intentions, and means them well, will find a bullet in their presidents brain faster than you can say "regime change.".

Imperialists don't play nice. Ever. There can be no cooperation with American Imperialism, or any other kind of Imperialism, because cooperation with imperialism is the road back to subjugation by imperialism. Remember the lessons of the old socialist camp.

Let every Venezuelan be vigilant and armed, for Imperialism will never sleep.

Hasta la Victoria Siempre!


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