Thursday, February 09, 2006

It isn't my fight...Yet.

Yesterday, I was talking to a Comrade of mine on the phone. I was asking if he had signed a petition I had sent him by e-mail. The petition concerned the proposed anti- communist legislation that was presented to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which I have learned recently passed.

I asked my Comrade if he had signed this petition, but I already knew the answer.
He had not signed the petition, so I was curious to find out why. My Comrade said something or other about not knowing enough about the situation, even though there was information on the petition I sent him. I knew that this was not the true reason for his non-participation in the struggle of our European Comrades.

Then he made his true motives known to me: He said to me that I should "Concern myself with our (Party's) work." This remark shocked and disgusted me. Could this individual not see that any measures against communism, even in a country far away, would affect all communists eventually? I immediately made my disapproval known to my Comrade, criticizing him for his narrow and short-sighted way of thinking.

To me, this incident illustrates the state of the global socialist camp: There isn't one.

Solidarity is a word without meaning among communists and workers movements these days. Among members of the communist movement, even in the same country, there is discord and a lack of cooperation. Many communist parties, especially in North America, have become hermit organizations from the global communist movement. In this day and age, it is possible for communists to withdraw into their shells, and convince themselves that repressive measures against communists in other countries are not their concern. Unfortunately, most modern day communist organizations, especially in North America, will continue to think this way until it is they that are being arrested or killed by state police forces.

Any measures that affect some of us, will eventually affect ALL of us. Any place where communism is repressed and stamped out, that's one more place where communism can not flourish. Any place where anti-communist legislation is passed, it will set a precedent for other places to do the same. Any victory that capitalism wins against communism, no matter how small, will hurt all of us, whether we choose to "get involved" or not.

Unfortunately, I fear it is a lost cause. I think it is up to individuals of the Communist movement to try and connect with their fellow communists, because I know that the leadership of most modern day communist organizations are secluded individuals who have withdrawn into their shells, hiding from the rest of the socialist movement.

The principle is very simple: As long as the bourgeoisie exists, they will try and destroy communism. If you do not stand up for your Comrades in their time of need, eventually there will be no one to stand up for you when the sting of bourgeois oppression finally hits home.


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