Monday, February 20, 2006

Workers of all countries unite!

This Tuesday, February 21, 2006, marks the official relaunch of the Peace Region Leftist Coalition, a Canadian Marxist faction.
I am calling on all Marxist Socialists in Canada to unite under one banner. United we are strong.
Divided, we are no more than a minor irritation in the side of Capitalism.
The Charter of the PRLC still stands, unchanged:
Charter of the Peace Region Leftist Coalition
Section 1: It is the duty of the Peace Region Leftist Coalition to resist right-wing global imperialism and massive corporate entities. Right wing ideology and various types of neo-fascism are taking hold all over the world. Now, while the coalition may not be able to deal with many of these problems, they will resist the arm of the right-wing within their own backyard, as well as offer solidarity to other leftist organizations around the world.
Section 2: It is the duty of the peace region leftist Coalition to oppose war and promote peace in the war-torn areas of the world. Whatever the causes may be, regardless of the combatant sides involved, war must be prevented at all costs. Right-wing militarism is a cancer upon this planet, and only active resistance to conflict by the people can end the increasing global militarism of the capitalists.
Section 3: It is the duty of the Peace Region Leftist coalition to play a role in bring about leftist changes in the government of capitalist nations, as well as attempt to stem the spread of right wing ideals into countries that are already leftist. Passing laws in the interest of the people, as well as small changes towards the left in a right-wing government, are small steps toward a government that properly represents the interest of the people, not the bourgeoisie overlords.
Section 4: It is the duty of the Peace Region Leftist Coalition to fight for and uphold the rights of the human being, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race or religion. The prejudiced policy of the bloated right-wing institution must be combated at all costs. There must not be a master race, or dominant gender, or prevailing religion in a nation, that controls others or harms others.
Section 5: It is the duty of the Peace Region Leftist Coalition to express dissent against any corruption, unjust decisions made by the right-wing in their own interests. True democracy must be upheld at all costs, and the will of the people must govern the nation, not the will of the ruling elite. The coalition must educate the people in the abuses of the right and organize them against the right-wing in their own interests.

If you are interested in joining the PRLC, you can apply for membership on the old PRLC website at: (link removed)


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