Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cannabis Culture is Anti-Culture

I've made the choice in my life to be drug/alcohol free. I plan to be this way for the rest of my life.

Sometimes people ask me why I decided to go this way.

Do I do it for religious reasons? No. ( I seriously do try not to be self righteous about my choice. If it were a religious choice, self righteousness is implied.)

Do I do it for moral reasons? No. ( I personally find the criminalization of drugs such as Marijuana to be criminal in itself. Either way, I don't look down my nose at drug users.)

Do I do it for legal reasons? No. ( Legality has not been an issue to me in past political actions.)

The reason I choose to be free of Drugs and Alcohol is because, I know what drugs and alcohol do. I can see every one around me, especially my close circle of friends and family, falling victim to the effects of drugs and alcohol.

Sometimes Neo-Cons say that "Drugs destroy lives". I actually agree with them.
I have watched drugs and alcohol destroy the lives of my relatives and close friends.
I have watched drugs and alcohol destroy families.
I have watched drugs and alcohol destroy towns.
I have watched drugs and alcohol destroy nations of people, especially the Canadian aboriginal and black community.
I have watched drugs and alcohol destroy our civilization.

I have watched drugs and alcohol destroy.

I see drugs and alcohol for what they are: a tool of state craft. When the masses are high, they are not organizing. When the masses are high, they are not paying attention to world events.
When the masses are high, they are not trying to better themselves. Drug/alcohol addiction encourages an individual-centric obsession, as they become a slave to the drug. Drug/alcohol addiction keeps the poor from rising up out of poverty. Drug and alcohol addiction
encourages crime, which keeps the state police forces busy, and gives the capitalist class a reason to pass draconian laws that encroach on the freedoms of the average citizen.

The worst part of the overwhelming advance of drugs and alcohol on our society, is the concept of so called "Cannabis culture", which is stores, products and paraphenalia dedicated to the supposed "culture" of drug use.

As I have already stated in the title, Cannabis culture is anti-culture.

While it is a common myth that drugs expand imagination and enhance musical abilities, this has been disproven. Drugs destroy language, vocabulary, imagination and any other kind of mental activity, as drugs destroy the state of the mind. Drugs destroy any kind of physical or artistic initiative in drug users, or any kind of initiative for that manner, and consume the user with the urge to do drugs, and continue to do drugs. Drugs destroy any political action, producing only a
superficial diversion at best.

Do not get me wrong. As I have said, all of my best friends do drugs /alcohol. Like anything else, drug/alcohol use is a personal choice. Personally, it isn't my choice, for the above mentioned reasons.

I think that the main reason most of our society succumbs to drug/alcohol use goes far beyond peer pressure and social norms. It is the effects of Capitalism itself. In order to get by, day to day, in a system of government were no one has hope for a better world, Drugs/alcohol are an escape. Drugs/alcohol are a way to get away from the realities of Capitalism, if only for a few hours. This can be seen in the society itself, as the majority of Drug/alcohol abuse is seen in the poorest elements of society: The Minority communities, the Aboriginal reservations, the dying prairie towns, the working class urban communities, etc. Drugs/Alcohol use represents a need that has not been fulfilled, and can not be fulfilled under the current system, hence the masses inebriate themselves to escape from this hopeless reality.

Karl Marx said "Religion is the opiate of the masses". As one of my Comrades said, "Opiate (drugs) is the religion of the masses." That said, once the needs of the masses are met, I believe it is inevitable that their false needs will disappear in time. Under socialism, these false needs will disappear in time.

The choice is yours, Comrades...


Blogger RedJulie said...

rik Martin:

Forgive the lateness of my reply. I admittedly have no formal medical research background. I am simply making obseravtions from a socio-politcal point of view.

9:36 PM  

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