Friday, March 17, 2006

Living the Revolution, Comrades!

March 18th-20th mark the international days of action against imperialist war, specifically conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and Haiti. It is in this spirit of international solidarity and global defiance of Imperialisms agenda, that I encourage all Comrades around the world to make our voices heard.
Do not misunderstand me, Comrades. I am not generally opposing all armed conflict in a social-democratic, reformist fashion. I am a Marxist, and still a firm believer in Peoples War and revolutionary armed struggle. I make the clear distinction of opposing only Imperialist war. Imperialist war is any conflict that advances the aims of the bourgeoisie and violates the peoples of the world of their sovereignty and freedom,while a peoples war is conducted by the people in the name of national liberation, freedom and democracy.

All over the world the people struggle against fascist occupation, Imperialist aggression and all of the worst aspects of Capitalist global hegemony: The people of Iraq continue to resist the occupation forces of the United States of America in the third year since the invasion. Afghanistan and Haiti both are also rising up against the "Peace Keepers" and other occupation forces imposed on their respective countries. Palestine continues to brave fascist Israeli rule, Cuba continues to brave the fascist American embargo, and the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea asserts their right to sovereignty in the face of joint military exercises by South Korea
and the United States. Many other peoples struggles against Imperialism are erupting all over the world, and are only made more pronounced on this day of action.

Unfortunately, I think that many of the global demonstrations to mark this occasion, especially in North America, will become quite Social-Democratic and ceremonial in practice. I recognize the significance of these dates to the global struggle, but I do not quite fall in with the idea of defying Imperialism only on special occasions. A dedicated Marxist must live the Revolution, defying capitalism at every turn in any way possible.

Still, it is nice to see the peoples of the world rise up and shake up the system with the rumblings of social change.

Live the Revolution always, Comrades.


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