Divided we stand
There are also two Maoist organizations In Canada.
There are two Anti-Revisionist(Stalinist) organizations in Canada as well.
In addition to all of these groups, there is also the revisionist Communist Party of Canada.
Wow. This is one of the most insane things I've ever heard of.
Okay, I get it that Anti-Revisionists and Trots have a hard time cooperating. But apparently, the Trots in Canada can't cooperate with themselves, as is dramatically illustrated in the factioning of the Canadian Trotskyist movement.
The Maoists, who are always so quick to denounce every one else in the communist movement, also have two parties in Canada. One of these Maoist parties actively denounces the other on a regular basis. Absolutely Incredible.
And there are two Anti-revisionist organizations in Canada as well, or at least as far as I know.
There is the Communist party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) and the Canadian friends of the Soviet People, an organization mostly known for it's own publication "North Star Compass."There is not the same amount of animosity between CPC-ML and North Star Compass, as some members of CPC-ML read North Star Compass, and The Canadian friends of
the soviet people is an organization, rather than a political party. Still, this division among Anti-revisionists is notable, and mostly un-necessary.
And then there is the revisionist CPC, which gobbles up all of the bourgeois Communists who follow a watered down form of Marxism-Leninism within the parameters of Parliamentary democracy. Their movement has stayed remarkably unified, mostly because when people leave the CPC, they are so disillusioned with revisionism, that they join one of the other brands of communism or the Social democratic NDP, rather form their own organization with politics similar to the CPC.
Incredible. At present, the Canadian communist movement is a joke.
As Comrade Hardial Baines of CPC-ML observed, this is the era of retreat of revolution, so at this time there is only one Communist movement, wether other parties recognize it or not. Now is not the time to break into camps and defend against revisionism. Now is the time to join with all progressive elements of the Canadian political left, against Canadian imperialism and global imperialism in general.
It is pretty sad though, when you can't cooperate, let alone merge, with a group that holds identical political views to your own group, as is the case with the myriad of Trotskyist organizations in Canada.
Uh, what a Joke.