Welcome to Wonderland
Recently, The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea tested 7 Taepodong missiles by launching them into the sea of Japan.
And, of course, this has sparked international controversy.
The United States, Japan and Australia have united in their condemnation of the North Korean
Missile test, stating that stern consequences would follow.
Of course, no one points out that the United States itself possesses more missiles than any other nation on the planet, and has tested them on many occasions, often in other countries.
While every military analyst is filling the peoples minds with fear of the possibility that a North Korean missile could hypothetically hit America, no one points out the certainty that America can hit every country on the planet with it's own missiles. For some reason, that concept is not as disturbing, apparently.
Japan sides with the US, in the face of a possible nuclear threat from the DPRK.
And of course, no one would EVER point out that it was the US, not the DPRK, that has a precedent of going nuclear on Japan, which they have done on two occasions.
In fact, the United States is the ONLY nation to have ever used nuclear technology in a combat scenario. But of course, that isn't relevant right now.
Just like the invasion of Afghanistan isn't relevant right now. Just like the un-democratic Israeli aggression against Gaza and the democratically elected Hamas government isn't relevant right now. The overwhelming insurgency of the people of Iraq against the United States invaders isn't relevant right now, either.
What is relevant, is that the DPRK has presented an opportunity for the American bourgeoisie to use their wonderful mechanisms of lies, twisting, exaggeration and blind patriotism to cook up a new batch of propaganda against the government of the DPRK.
This is what it is like to live in Wonderland;To live in this strange world, were everything is upside down, and nothing makes sense.
The United States beats the nuclear threat into everyone's heads, and uses it as a fear mongering tactic against their enemies, such as Iraq, Iran and the DPRK. And in this crazy world of wonderland, this makes total sense, even though the US has the worst track record of any nuclear power, in terms of quantity, testing and Usage. Only in wonderland does it make sense that the worst Nuclear fiend on earth gets to be the one to police all of the other nuclear powers.
The United States does nothing but criticize Islam,and the Islamic world for their religious fanaticism and rule by terror. Of Course, Religious fanaticism and rule by terror in Israel, and even the United States, is perfectly fine. Hey, welcome to wonderland!
The USA criticizes Cuba and the DPRK for allegedly having an undemocratic government, where their leaders are not elected. On the other hand, it is common knowledge that George.W Bush fixed the presidential election in the year 2000, and is by no means the legitimate leader of the USA. By this logic, it makes no sense for him to criticize other countries as un-democratic, but in wonderland it makes perfect sense.
Only in Wonderland can a country that has officially invaded two nations, and sent military forces to countless others to intervene in their democracy, as well as financing coups, rigging elections and pursuing an aggressive imperialist foreign policy,claim to be the defender of Freedom and Democracy.
Only in wonderland can a country aggressively invade other nations in the name of defending the homeland. If your country is invading , it is not defending anything. That is, unless your in wonderland. If so, then the concept of defending your country by invading other countries makes total sense. Why not?
In the topsy-turvy world of wonderland, it's not okay for a Palestinian suicide bomber to blow himself up and kill a bunch of Israelis, especially civilians. It is okay, however, for the Israeli army to bomb Gaza and west bank, as well as killing Palestinians on a daily basis, especially civilians.
In Wonderland, Saddam Hussein is condemned for gassing the Kurds, But Sir Winston Churchill,
who did the exact same thing 70 years earlier, is idolized as a hero of freedom and democracy.
Boy, wonderland sure is wacky!
The only problem is, it's not all fun and games in wonderland. Tens of thousands of people are being murdered, and the rest of the world is doing nothing to stop it. Countries are being invaded, elected leaders are being overthrown by foreign powers, and the rest of the world sides with the invaders, rather than with the invaded.
How did this happen? How did we all end up down the rabbit hole, listening to the official justification for all imperialist wars, and wholeheartedly believing it?
My father recalls an incident in elementary school when he was in a fight. He was the son of low class, poor French Canadians, and a social underdog. His opponent was the notorious classroom bully. He says that all of his classmates were cheering during the fight, but not for him. They were cheering for their oppressor, for the school bully. He said that this is how the world works, especially on the diplomatic level . All of the other world leaders, and the people they rule, would rather be on the side of the bully imperialists, than to face their wrath. They sacrifice their souls to be on the side of the oppressors, rather than risking being the oppressed. And with a mentality like that , it's easy to live in wonderland. It's easy to accept the official line of Imperialism as the gospel truth, rather than questioning the glaring hypocrisy and fascism within it. It's easy to gang up on the little guy, to slaughter hundreds of thousands, all the while feeling righteous as though justice has been served.
When you sacrifice everything, especially conscience and common sense, to be a friend of Imperialism, than Wonderland is really quite beautiful. Of course, it's all a horrible lie, glazing over countless tragic atrocities. But that's okay; This is wonderland.
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